My name is Martyna and I am a skilled and insightful programmer and artist. I began my career as a self-taught programmer, working on small CMS projects. This experience led me to become proficient in front-end programming.
Throughout the years, I have gained a wealth of experience working on a variety of platforms and tools, allowing me to adapt my skills to the specific needs of each project.
I speak in four human languages, currently learning another one. I believe that code is the most efficient language in the world and I am constantly seeking to push the boundaries of what can be achieved with it.
I am an avid traveler and South America is my favorite place in the world. In my free time, I enjoy going on adventures with my dog, Buster.
In 2019, I graduated from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities with a postgraduate degree in Creative Coding.
I have a particular passion for working with musicians, art institutions, theaters, and museums. I seamlessly blend my programming skills with my artistic capabilities to create unique and impactful projects.
I am able to participate in different stages of projects - from the conceptual parts to technical development. I create artistic experiments and execute commercial projects.
Martyna Chojnacka
Web Developer | Creative Coder | Visual Artist
My name is Martyna and I am a skilled and insightful programmer and artist. I began my career as a self-taught programmer, working on small CMS projects. This experience led me to become proficient in front-end programming.
Throughout the years, I have gained a wealth of experience working on a variety of platforms and tools, allowing me to adapt my skills to the specific needs of each project.
I speak in four human languages, currently learning another one. I believe that code is the most efficient language in the world and I am constantly seeking to push the boundaries of what can be achieved with it.
I am an avid traveler and South America is my favorite place in the world. In my free time, I enjoy going on adventures with my dog, Buster.
In 2019, I graduated from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities with a postgraduate degree in Creative Coding.
I have a particular passion for working with musicians, art institutions, theaters, and museums. I seamlessly blend my programming skills with my artistic capabilities to create unique and impactful projects.
I am able to participate in different stages of projects - from the conceptual parts to technical development. I create artistic experiments and execute commercial projects.